Resources on the Internet
- Founders of Neurology
- This site has short biographies and pictures of dozens of the leaders and pioneers
in the history of the basic and clinical neurosciences.
- The Evolution of
Organized Neurosurgery in the United States
- This site of the American Association of Neurologic Surgeons, has interesting
historical information, including a lenghty review of the Harvey Cushing Society and its rôle, as well as
a catalog
of audiotaped interviews with leaders in the field.
- The History of Stereotactical
- A short paper written by Stephen B. Tatter, MD, PhD, Massachussetts General Hospital,
Dept. Neurosurgery.
- The History of Lobotomy
- An excelent site, authored by Corey Vest (Carleton University), is the most complete
information about this topic in the Internet, with dozens of photos, drawings, book reviews, lists of Internet
resources, etc. Highly recommended.
- The History of Brain Surgery
- A short but interesting illustrated article, written by John R. Mangiardi, MD
and Howard Kane
Trepanationen im Altertum. Eine medizinhistorische Abhandlung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kelten
- Published by Peter Birner, in German, in: Brennos
- Studia Celtica Austriaca 1/1996. [European Trepanning in Antiquity.
A Medico-Historical Essay with Special Consideration for the Celts]. A very torough and learned essay on archeological
and modern evidence.